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Jumat, 07 November 2008

How to setup your turntable

Sound charachter in turntable can be change with different setup. Now i will post how to setup your own turntable. This tip given by Mr Iwan Ariawan in, thanks to him.

Tips to setup cartridge turntable :

1. Overhang setup, is the position cartridge in tone arms. Setting can do it with protactor. Some turntable give protacter in package. If you dont have, you must buy or free download in

2. Azimuth setup, is the right left position from cartridge, can do it with protactor too. The rule is left and right side frm cartridge must be parallel with guide lines in protactor.

3. VTF ( vertical tracking force ) setup or weight the needle, Most appropriate if the scale needle use, especially if the burden on the tone arm weighing no instructions. Besides weighed, checked also use ears. In turntable or system with high sensitivity, 0.05 gram differences can change the sounds. Dont use VTF more than fabrique recomendation, because can make cartridge suspension broken.

4. VTA ( vertical tracking angle ) setup, the principles is tone arms must parallel with PH surface. The problem is surface from PH is different. Ideally each PH have different setup, but it make much problem. Compromi is use 180 gram PH, so VTA can fit in 200 gram or 150 gram PH. Check with your ears, differences after VTA setup. If VTA change, cartridge must be weighted again. Because change of VTA can change VTF.

5. If catridge setup is done, check speed play turntable. In belt drive, speed can manage with distance manage between turntable motor to turntable. Check speed with strobo disc. In good speed, square or lines in strobo disc looks dwile in one place.

Thanks to Mr Iwan Ariwan, who gives this tips

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